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Study: Gen Z Gaining Most Positive View of Jesus, Millennials Have The Most Negative

March 10, 2022

In a recent study released by the Episcopal church explored the effects of religion on generations and political ideologies, but one of the most fascinating points came from their findings on the generations shifting views of Jesus.

Participants were asked about their religious beliefs and if their view of Jesus has shifted at all during their lives, and millennials are overall the most pessimistic and unlikely to be religious. 28% of millennials describe themselves as “not religious”, while only 24% of Gen Z describe themselves the same.

However, interestingly enough, when each generation (including older generations) were asked about how their view of Jesus has shifted in the last 5-8 years, the generation with the most positive shift was Gen Z, with 76% saying their view of Jesus has become more positive over time, whereas only 65% of millennials say their view has become better.

It’s worth noting that the older generations (Gen X and Boomers) found that their view of Jesus has gotten more positive over time as well, with 72% and 74%, respectively.

In this day and age I’ve seen many ex-Christian or atheist bloggers and influencers show data that our society is slowly moving away from Christ, but if this data is accurate, we may be about to see a swing in the other direction, starting with Gen Z.

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