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June 24, 2022

This morning, June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned 49 years of judicial precedence and nullified the landmark Court decision of Roe v. Wade, thus ending the federal guarantee of access to abortion. States are now free to legalize and restrict (within limitations) abortions as their populations decide. To say that this is one of […]

June 3, 2022

As I’m continuing to learn more and more about Genesis (and about the Old Testament in general), I’m learning about all of the different themes that you can trace through the story of the Bible that have their roots in Genesis. As I’ve highlighted before and will probably highlight again, resources like BibleProject exist solely […]

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If you’ve ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you’ve probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls. – Dipper Pines, Gravity Falls S2E20 Those who know me best know I have a small obsession with a two-season Disney cartoon series named Gravity Falls. Created by the questionably sane Alex Hirsch, the […]

College is a coming of age time. It’s a time for coming into one’s own and making crucial decisions that will affect the rest of your life. Overall it is a time of endless potential and possibility. Unfortunately for the Church, one of those possibilities is a loss of faith. College and the college experience […]

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If you’ve been alive for more than ten…seconds, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Find someone who completes you.”  I understand the sentiment and I appreciate the ideology.  We all love the satisfying fit of one puzzle piece to another.  However, I think it might be counterintuitive and a little destructive to assume we are not […]

If you’re anything like me, you get your energy from being alone. And I’m not talking about “alone in a crowded room” – I’m talking about being locked up in your house or your apartment with no other humans around (pets, though, are always welcome), where you’re able to completely drown out the oh-so-loud noise […]

Before women dressed in orange high heels and men donned in multicolored ties walked into the sanctuary to listen to the Sunday sermon, I had already been in the third-row pew kicking my feet around in the air, waiting to find out what was for lunch from my parents. To me, it wasn’t odd that […]

Matt Whitman is a podcaster, YouTube host, pastor, and former atheist. Recently I was sent his testimony, and I found myself hooked, watching every second. He brings up some incredible questions, and a relatable story that many Christians have experienced when their faith hits a crisis point. Matt shares his story on how he went […]

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