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February 28, 2022

Let me preface this article with the fact that this is no way sponsored or endorsed in any way. I just finally found a Bible study I love and can actually stick with for more than 2 weeks. Because I’ve officially made it two months in and still love it and maybe you’ll love it […]

December 21, 2021

Okay. If you haven’t yet seen Marvel’s newest installment in the current iteration of Spiderman – No Way Home – and don’t want spoilers: Stop Reading Here Cool. Only people who’ve already seen it here still? (Or people who are okay with spoilers?) Cool. Y’all, the MCU just got a whole lot bigger and this […]

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Heartbreak is something that almost everyone on the face of the earth will encounter. We go through rough breakups with someone we cared about. We lose someone close to us. A partner or spouse cheats or hides a dark secret. A friend we hold dear betrays us. We don’t get that promotion, or suddenly face […]

Not sure what to do for date night? I have you covered. For someone that doesn’t love dating, I love planning adventures – especially dates. I love getting to know people, spending quality time with both new friends and old, and just doing things. I love romanticizing moments and creating memories with people.  If you […]

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If you’ve been alive for more than ten…seconds, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Find someone who completes you.”  I understand the sentiment and I appreciate the ideology.  We all love the satisfying fit of one puzzle piece to another.  However, I think it might be counterintuitive and a little destructive to assume we are not […]

If you’re anything like me, you get your energy from being alone. And I’m not talking about “alone in a crowded room” – I’m talking about being locked up in your house or your apartment with no other humans around (pets, though, are always welcome), where you’re able to completely drown out the oh-so-loud noise […]

Before women dressed in orange high heels and men donned in multicolored ties walked into the sanctuary to listen to the Sunday sermon, I had already been in the third-row pew kicking my feet around in the air, waiting to find out what was for lunch from my parents. To me, it wasn’t odd that […]

Matt Whitman is a podcaster, YouTube host, pastor, and former atheist. Recently I was sent his testimony, and I found myself hooked, watching every second. He brings up some incredible questions, and a relatable story that many Christians have experienced when their faith hits a crisis point. Matt shares his story on how he went […]

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